Projects - Year 2011
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Leadership Program for Rural Women in Moldova

Posted: Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Project Name: „Leadership Program for Rural Women in Moldova”


Budget: 16,815.00 €
Donors: SOROS Moldova and Sida
Problem Statement: 
Gender mainstreaming is an important aspect of civic activism.  Observations and studies based on the population of RM, points out that there are considerable differences between the manifestations of civic activism in terms of gender. Major findings are the fact that women are more involved than men in activities undertaken by and within NGOs. In the same time women continue to be more interested in developing their communities, although this interest is not always completed with a sustained approach. Women's activism, especially at community level, it is often not exploited. This deficiency is caused by several factors, including: lack of necessary skills, insufficient support or discouragement from family and lack of openness within the community members.
In the case of political participation, the situation of women who would like or would be appropriate to get engaged in the electoral process is more difficult. Research, conducted by the CPD, shows unequivocally that electoral processes disadvantage women candidates. This can be measured by calculating the "loss of gender" for all candidates. Thus, in 2007 the gender gap for mayor position was - 5.5%, gender gap for local councilor positions - 8.1% and the index for the function of district councilor was - 20%.
CPD’s approach in leadership training program for rural women was based on the concept of community leadership and gender-sensitive policy. This concept combines the idea of building leadership capacity sensitized to gender aspect.
Goal and objectives:
The training program aims to strengthen personal capacities of rural women leaders to participate successfully in local elections in 2011. To achieve this goal, the team identified three areas of CPD’s "intervention":
1. Developing community and political leadership capacities of participants  
2. Strengthening the support group of participants.
3. Promoting positive change within the community.
CPD team conducted the program based on 3 modules as follows:
Module 1: Capacity Building for Civic Leadership, which had the following objectives:
Personal evaluation through the key practices of successful leadership;
Identify personal strengths and weaknesses;
Creating a strategy to improve personal leadership qualities;
Create an action plan for long-term personal leadership skills development.
Module 2: Developing Political Leadership Capacity. During this module, participants:
Get familiar with new approaches and trends in women's political leadership;
They will appreciate their leadership style;
Identify their strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of  leading personal profile;
Will learn new skills necessary for political participation;
Exchange of experiences and best practices on political activity carried out by other participants;
Develop new strategies and tactics while working with voters
Will increase their technical knowledge on fundraising, political communication skills  and public visibility;
Will know how to realize gender analysis in the context of local politics.
Module 3: Developing and managing community projects. Objectives:
- Participants will develop skills and knowledge to create an implement a project proposal using LFA (Logical Framework Approach).
- Participants will develop a project proposal based on the context of their community.
CPD conducted activities through which participants were able to detect the gender relationships dynamics in teams or with the help of their support group. However, at the operational level training program was designed in three parts: training sessions (two sessions three days each), practice (periods in which participants apply the achieved knowledge in their community) and evaluation sessions (in which trainers assess progress of participants). We present the activities that took place through the modules mentioned above:
Within Module I, participants had developed a practical task, which consisted in the identification and analysis of women leaders in the community. Through this task, the project team sought to determine how participants can identify a leader person in the community, and how he/she acted and developed as a leader, how to interact with opponents, supporters, etc.
During Module II, participants had made a study of voters in the constituency. The participants’ effort must have been focused on several dimensions:
  (1) Identify the basic problems of voters,
  (2) Determine the awareness / acceptance of the participant.
The analysis developed by participants aimed to serve as basis to the electoral strategy: message, electoral platform elements, target groups of voters, campaign materials.
In the third module of the program, it was decided that participants to perform additional task to the standard practice (elaboration of the project) an analysis of the level of good governance in participant’s community .The analysis process involved:
(1) The analysis of the level of access to public information,
(2) The analysis of citizen participation in decision making process of community,
(3) The analysis of institutional capacities of local governments concerning the principles of good governance,
(4) The involvement level of initiative groups / NGOs in mobilizing citizens or decisions.
     Analysis of participants finished with recommendations that participants could integrate in the electoral platform and / or integrate the proposed project within the program.

Other projects

Capacity building and information activities and to design materials on gender equality and domestic violence

Posted: Tuesday, 08 November 2011
Among the main task of the project was to develop: Quality standards for assistance services to male, domestic violence perpetrators; Guidelines for mayors in assisting cases of domestic violence ;Guidelines for Local Public Authorities on implementation of the National Plan on Gender Equality. The project was supported financially by UNFPA Moldova.

Watch Dog Lab

Posted: Tuesday, 05 April 2011
A project aiming to develop capacities among local NGOs to promote gender equality, women’s participation and good governance at the community level. A total of 14 NGOs participate in the project. CPD developed a special capacity assessment to develop specific capacity gaps among the selected organizations and helped them to develop midterm capacity development plans. Along with this CPD provided training, consultancy and financial support for all NGOs to make sure that capacity development plans are implemented. The project was supported financially by the US Embassy in Moldova.
  • Aducerea dovezii - În domeniul egalităţii de tratament între femei şi bărbaţi, o directivă bazată pe jurisprudenţa Curţii de Justiţie a Comunităţii Europene prevede transferul de obligaţii de probatoriu între cele două părţi( reclamant şi acuzat). Dacă o persoană se consideră nedreptăţită prin ne aplicarea principiului egalităţii de tratament şi dacă există o prezumţie de discriminare, acuzatul trebuie să dovedească faptul că acest principiu nu a fost încălcat.
  • Capacitatea femeilor - Se realizează la nivel individual, printr-o cunoaştere de sine şi asumare a propriei persoane, la nivel de grup, prin afirmarea unei identităţi colective şi a unor acţiuni consecvente în scopul obţinerii controlului relaţiilor de putere în societate.
  • Analiză de gen - Studiul diferenţelor de condiţii, al nevoilor, al ratelor de participare, al accesului la resurse şi la dezvoltare, controlului asupra bunurilor, al puterii de decizie şi al imaginii între femei şi bărbaţi, în funcţie de rolurile desemnate de gen.
  • Bariere invizibile - Atitudini bazate pe prejudecăţi, norme şi valori tradiţionale care împiedică responsabilitatea / deplina participare a femeilor în societate.
  • Abordarea integratore a principiului egalităţii de gen - Integrarea sistematică a unor condiţii, priorităţi şi nevoi specifice femeilor şi bărbaţilor în toate politicile, în vederea promovării egalităţii între femei şi bărbaţi, mobilizarea politicilor şi măsurilor generale avînd drept scop realizarea egalităţii, prin luarea în consideraţie, în etapa planificării, intr-un mod activ şi deschis, a efectelor acestor politici asupra situaţiei specifice femeilor şi bărbaţilor, în implementarea, monitorizare şi evaluare.
Gender Statistics
  • Trafic de carne vie - Trafic de fiinţe umane, în special de femei şi de copii, în scopul exploatării sexuale, obţinerii de mînă de lucru sau de sclavie
  • Violenţa domestică / în familie - Orice formă de violenţă fizică, psihologică sau sexuală, care pune în pericol siguranţa şi bunăstarea unui membru al familiei şi / sau recurgerea la forţa fizică ori emoţională, inclusiv violenţa sexuală, în cadrul familiei sau gospodăriei. Această noţiune include abuzul copilului, incestul, maltratarea soţiei şi orice abuz sexual sau de altă natură faţă de oricare membru al gospodăriei.
  • Violenţa sexuală - Orice formă de violenţă prin folosirea sau ameninţarea cu folosirea forţei fizice sau emoţionale, incluzînd violul, maltratarea soţiei, hărţuirea sexuală, incestul şi pedofilia.
Progen in images
© 2011 Centrul "Parteneriat pentru Dezvoltare"
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Site elaborat de Andrei Madan